EDB JDBC Connector release notes v42.7.3.1

Released: 10 Sep 2024

The EDB JDBC connector provides connectivity between a Java application and an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in the EDB JDBC Connector include:

Upstream MergeMerged with the upstream community driver version 42.7.3. See the community JDBC documentation for details.
EnhancementImproved the parsing issue with the large SQL statements (for MTK/SQL Plus).
EnhancementJMS Enhancements
- The EDB JMS API has been made according to the JMS standard. All supported JMS classes related to Factory, Connection, Session, Producer, Consumer and Message types can now be used in a standard way.
- DefaultMessageListenerContainer can now be used to continuously pull messages from EDB JMS Queue.
-Transacted Sessions are implemented.
EnhancementFixed null pointer exception in case of timeout or end-of-fetch during message dequeue.#37882
EnhancementEDB JMS API now supports the basic Apache Camel Route concept as a source and destination.#37882
EnhancementJMS message types, such as message, text message, bytes message, and object message, are now supported.#37884
EnhancementEDBJmsConnectionFactory now has an alternative constructor that takes SQL Connection as a parameter.#38465
Enhancement- EDBJmsConnection now implements the critical lifecycle methods start() and stop().
- EDBJmsSession now implements the critical close() method.
- EDBJmsSession.createQueue now returns a valid queue instance.
- EDB JMS message types are now aligned with the JMS standard. The following message types are now supported:
1. aq$_jms_message
2. aq$_jms_text_message
3. aq$_jms_bytes_message
4. aq$_jms_object_message
- All message types now support setProperty() and getProperty() for setting and getting properties of JMS supported types.