Migration Portal 4.11.0 release notes v4

Released: 20 Aug 2024

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in Migration Portal 4.11.0 include the following:

EnhancementUpdated the styling for logos, fonts and layouts for an improved look and feel.
Security fixUpdated software libraries and implemented other security improvements.
Bug fixFixed the 'relation does not exist' error for public synonyms.
Bug fixFixed an issue where errors were being reported for compatible MERGE and UNISTR statements.
Bug fixFixed an issue where the report generation took a long time when a project contained a large number of objects.
Bug fixFixed an auto-scrolling issue observed on AI Copilot when changing tabs.
Bug fixFixed an issue that prevented the usage of the "@" sign in database link names.
Bug fixFixed an issue where database link names containing multiple dots were quoted incorrectly.
Bug fixFixed an issue that caused the Migration Portal to take a long time loading a project after a schema assessment.
Bug fixFixed an issue that prevented the assessment of large source DDL files.