Upgrading a Linux installation v16

Upgrading from RPM or SLES installations

If you have an existing ODBC Connector installation on a Linux platform, you can upgrade your repository configuration file, which enables access to the current EDB repository. Then you can upgrade to a more recent version of ODBC Connector.

To update the edb.repo file:

# Update your repository configuration file
sudo <package-manager> upgrade edb-repo

# Upgrade the installed product
sudo <package-manager> upgrade edb-odbc

sudo <package-manager> upgrade edb-odbc-devel

Where <package-manager> is the package manager used with your operating system:

Package managerOperating system
dnfRHEL 8/9 and derivatives

Upgrading from Debian/Ubuntu installations

If you are upgrading from an earlier Debian/Ubuntun installation, run the install command and specify the version number in the package name. For example:

sudo apt-get install edb-odbc=13.02.0000.02-1.bionic

If you get a message about downgrading, you can ignore it.