These use cases show how you can use EDB Postgres Advanced Server with Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge.
Create table with MOLECULE datatype column
Using SQL, create the table in which a column has the MOLECULE datatype to store and process chemical data:
CREATE TABLE public.chemical_data ( empno INT4 Primary Key, ename VARCHAR(50), location CLOB, mol MOLECULE('sample') );
View the structure of this table:
DESC public.chemical_data; Table "public.chemical_data" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------- empno | integer | | not null | ename | character varying(50) | | | location | clob | | | mol | molecule('sample') | | | Indexes: "chemical_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (empno)
Insert/update/delete chemical data
Using SQL statements, insert data, including chemical data, into the table: