Postgres Enterprise Manager 9.7.0 release notes v9

Released: 13th Aug 2024

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in PEM 9.7.0 include:

EnhancementAdded PGD extension details in the Core usage report.
EnhancementIf max_connections is set to 1 in the agent.cfg file, PEM agent startup process makes it to 2 in the backend code to avoid PEM's probe data collection failure. [Support ticket: #101924]
EnhancementProbes are now re-run on restart of agent and monitored server.
EnhancementIntroduced v12 REST API to fix the API schema for alerts (GET) and alert templates (GET/PUT/POST).
Bug fixFixed an issue where the version information was missing in the pemworker utility usage.
Bug fixFixed an issue with reminder_notification_interval setting. Now you can configure this parameter to a value less than 1 hour.
Bug fixFixed an issue for webhook notification settings while copying the alerts. Now the webhook notification settings are copied while copying the alerts.
Bug fixFixed an issue with the mismatched version label in REST API version 11.
Bug fixFixed an issue with the PGD alerts. Now disabling the PGD probes disables the PGD alerts as well.
Bug fixFixed an issue while changing the Job type from Batch to SQL and vice-versa. Now it allows to change the job type from Batch to SQL and vice-versa without any errors.
Bug fixUpdated the Servers Down and Agents Down alert template by adding detailed information in the SQL.
Bug fixUpdated the help text of the alert script execution. The help text now says that the scrip execution code must be in batch/shell format and not in SQL.
Bug fixFixed an issue with the current_pid. Now the current_pid is not null even if the agent_id is null in the probe_schedule table.
Bug fixFixed an issue with messages for SQL profiler permission errors.
Bug fixFixed an issue with the user_info probe to get the exact password expiry date.
Bug fixFixed an issue with the ServerHeartbeat. The ServerHeartbeat is released once DB server is deleted from PEM UI.
Bug fixFixed an issue with capacity manager. The capacity manager's option report type now automatically selects HTML when New Tab and Previous Tab are selected.