SQLMutations v1

SQLMutations consist of a list of SQL queries to be executed on the application database via the superuser role after a pgd node joins the pgdgroup. Each SQLMutation includes an isApplied list of queries and an exec list of queries. The isApplied SQL queries are used to check if the mutation has already been applied. If any of the isApplied queries return false, the exec list of SQL queries will be added to the execution queue.

Here is a sample of SQLMutations

apiVersion: pgd.k8s.enterprisedb.io/v1beta1
kind: PGDGroup
      - isApplied:
          - |
             WITH node_route_config AS (
               SELECT node_name, route_dsn
               FROM bdr.node_routing_config_summary
            SELECT NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM node_route_config WHERE regexp_count(route_dsn, 'application_name=') >= 1);
          - |
            WITH node_route_config AS (
              SELECT node_name,
                     regexp_replace(route_dsn, concat(' application_name=',  node_name), '') as route_dsn
              FROM bdr.node_routing_config_summary
            SELECT bdr.alter_node_option(node_name, 'route_dsn', route_dsn)
            FROM node_route_config;

SQLMutation Types

The operator offers three types of SQLMutations, which can be specified by spec.pgd.mutations[].type, with always being the default option.

  • beforeSubgroupRaft
  • always
  • writeLeader

The beforeSubgroupRaft and always mutations are evaluated in every reconcile loop. The difference between the two mutations lies in their execution phase:

  • For always mutations, they are run in each reconcile loop without any restrictions on the pgdgroup.
  • On the other hand, beforeSubgroupRaft mutations are only executed if the pgdgroup has defined data nodes and pgd proxies, and specifically before the subgroup raft becomes ready.

Both beforeSubgroupRaft and always mutations can run on any pgd node within the pgdgroup, including witness nodes. Therefore, they should not be used for making data changes to the application database, as witness nodes do not contain application database data.

The writeLeader mutation is triggered and executed after the write leader is elected. The exec operations are carried out exclusively on the write leader node.