Getting started using repositories on the web

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To get started, you need to have an Enterprise subscription to EDB software. The web-based version of the repository system currently supports only Enterprise subscriptions.


If you want to install software from other EDB repositories, such as community360 or postgres_distributed, you need to use the command line interface. See Getting started using repositories with the CLI.

To install packages from EDB repositories using the web-based interface, you need to:

  1. Get your token.
  2. Add your repository.
  3. Install the package you need.

Once you've mastered package installation, you can move on to working with repositories. Learn how to directly browse repositories and download packages, create local mirrors, handle air-gapped installations, and integrate with configuration management tools.

Get your token

How to get the token you need to download EDB software

Add your repository

How to add the EDB repository to your system

Installing packages

How to install the EDB package you need

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