Repositories by name

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Current major repositories

For current supported products from EDB, the following repositories are available.

RepositoryRequired subscriptionsContents
community360Community360Supported Open Source
standardStandardStandard subscription
enterpriseEnterpriseEnterprise subscription
postgres_distributedPGDPGD 5+
postgres_distributed_4PGDPGD 4

Legacy repositories

For end-of-life products or near-end-of-life products, the following repositories are available.

RepositoryRequired subscriptionsContents
bdr_3_7_postgresPGDBDR 3.7 for PostgreSQL
bdr_3_7_postgres_extendedPGD and StandardBDR 3.7 for PGE
bdr_3_7_postgres_advancedPGD and EnterpriseBDR 3.7 for EDB Postgres Advanced Server
bdr_3_6_postgresPGDBDR 3.6 for PostgreSQL
bdr_3_6_postgres_2qPGDBDR 3.6 for 2ndQPG

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